4R ENTERPRISES, INC. original objective is engaging in the business of providing the removal and reapplication of polymers and coating form metallic, ceramic and organic substrates utilizing cryogenic techniques by synchronizing the geometric resonance.

Developing into the collection of techniques, skills, methods, processes and expertise used in the production of goods and/or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation for both international and domestic manufactures and producers.

While simultaneously promoting the ideologies of transhumanism and techno-progressivism view continued technological progress as beneficial to society and the human condition.

4R ENTERPRISES has developed technologies and services including asset & equipment reliability testing, reliability engineering, non-destructive testing methodology, asset management and asset logistics.  Expertise in rotating equipment, tribological pattern analysis, interferometry, lubricants and refined petroleum products.




700 Portage Trail            Cuyahoga Falls, OH         44221.3057     U.S.A.

voice: 330.630.3700      e-mail: info@4R-Inc.com         fax: 330.630.3733


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